Evaluation On The Effects Of Different Doses Of Ash In Controlling Fall Armyworm In Maize Production
- Author
- Mhamhiwa Boniface
- Title
- Evaluation On The Effects Of Different Doses Of Ash In Controlling Fall Armyworm In Maize Production
- Abstract
A field trial was carried out in ward 13 in Zimbabwe, to evaluate the efficacy of different doses of ashes for control of the fall armyworm (FAW). The ash dosages were 2g, 5g, 10g and an untreated control. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block design with four treatments which were replicated 3 times. Data was collected once at four weeks after crop emergence. All treatments were significant (P<0.05). Ash at 10g effectively controlled FAW larvae with mean percentage mortality rate of 89.33%. Some FAW larvae were tolerant to lower dosages of ash and recorded a number live larva. The least performing dosage was 2g which recorded an average mean number of live larva of 8 as compared to 10g which had lower than 2 mean number of live larva over the same exposure period. The results suggest potential of ash at 10g as an effective dosage for control of FAW larva populations in Zimbabwe and its side effects on crops must be examined before dissemination of information to farmers.
- Date
- JUNE 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
-fall armyworm (FAW)
-ward 13 in Zimbabwe
-live larva - Supervisor
- Item sets
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Media
Mhamhiwa Boniface
Part of Evaluation On The Effects Of Different Doses Of Ash In Controlling Fall Armyworm In Maize Production