Effects of insect trap type and pheromone type on insect pest attraction in blueberries production.
- Author
- Carlton Chikati Sithole
- Title
- Effects of insect trap type and pheromone type on insect pest attraction in blueberries production.
- Abstract
Trap type and pheromone type are frequently used to attract and kill most common insect pests in blueberry fields. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of trap type and pheromone type on the attraction of common insect pest in blueberry fields. Performance and efficacy of trap type (sticky rolls, blue and yellow) and two pheromone types were evaluated at Palmlife Ivanhoe farm located at Juru growth point, Goromonzi in Mashonaland East. Trap type consists of bright colors of blue and yellow sticky roll which attract the insect moth and pheromone type consists of mego and ABW trap. The experiment was laid down in an RCBD design arranged in a factorial manner. Two experiments were done independently to observe the effect of trap type and season change on number of insect pest caught and also the effect of pheromone type and season change on the number of insect pest caught. Another objective of effect of season change on the insect attraction was observed on both trap type and pheromone type. The results showed that trap type and season change interacted on number of insect pest attraction which are Sting bug, African Bollworm, Tip Wilter, Cutworm, Fruit flies and Capsid (p<0.005). The results also showed that there is an interaction between pheromone type and season change on number of insect pest attraction which are Sting Bug, African Bollworm, Tip Wilter, Cutworm, Fruit flies and Capsid (p<0.005). The overall experiment showed that highest mean number of catches of different insect pest was in trap type in all different seasons which are Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring and lowest average number of catches was in pheromone type throughout the four different seasons.
- Date
- JUNE 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
-effectiveness of trap
-common insect pest in blueberry fields
-African Bollworm - Supervisor
- Item sets
- Department of Crop Sciences
- Media
Carlton Chikati Sithole
Part of Effects of insect trap type and pheromone type on insect pest attraction in blueberries production.