A Performance Measurement Framework Of The Local Government In A Volatile Economy. A Case Study Of Murewa District Council.
- Author
- Chikuni David
- Title
- A Performance Measurement Framework Of The Local Government In A Volatile Economy. A Case Study Of Murewa District Council.
- Abstract
- In Zimbabwe, rural local authorities are essential to the country's growth by providing essential servicestotheircommunities.However,theyhavefacedcriticismfornotmeetingservicedemands adequately. To address this, Zimbabwean local authorities have adopted performance measurement systemstoimproveservicedeliveryandensuretransparent useofpublicresources. Despite this, there is limited understanding oftheir effectiveness, especiallyinruralareas. To fill this gap, a qualitative studywas conducted, focusing onthe Murewa RuralDistrict Council. The study involved fifteen participants and aimed the evaluate performance measurement systems revealedthattheabsenceofastrategicplanimpededoperations, includingtheeffectivenessofthe performance measurement system. Additionally, unclear service delivery and performance measurement objectives this difficulty made it challenging to establish meaningful correlations betweenthem.Eventhoughtherewerecontractualobligationsforperformanceinplace,therewas littleindicationofongoingassessmentsortheuseofdataprovided bythesystemfor otherhuman resource procedures. Remarkably, the organization examined the system of measurement of performance separately, failing to integrate it with crucial processes such as reward management, leading to minimal impact on overall performance. To improve implementation, developing a comprehensive strategic plan, conducting regular evaluations, and integrating the system with other human resource processes are crucial. The organization must reconsider its approach to performance measurement, focusing on broader integration with human resource measurement processes.
- Date
- 2024
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Performance
- Measurement
- Framework
- Supervisor
- N/A
- Item sets
- Faculty of Commerce
- Media
David Chikuni.pdf